Dec 24, 2012

Ultra Running Workouts

Last week we began the ultra running workouts. We started Saturday 12/15 with a 2 hour run...13 miles.
Here is the rest of last week to today, Sunday 12/23.

Sunday 12/16...45 minute run at Warren Park...5K trail. 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 reps of pull-ups, deadlifts, floorwipers.

Monday 12/17...35 minutes EZ...50/50 pushup and squat

Tuesday 12/18...20 minute tempo...50/50 pushup and squat...15 min tempo...balance work...10-2 reps pullups.

Wednesday 12/19...EZ 25 minutes...5 rounds for time...30m walking lunge with 45# overhead/21 burpees...5 minutes rest...100 total bicycle kick with deflated ball.

Thursday 12/20...5 X run for 9 minutes or 1 mile whichever comes first. Run 1...25 pushups, run 2...25 squats, run 3...25 pushups or burpees, run 4...25 squats, run 5...25 burpees. After run 3 you can do the burpees if that is your final run if not perform pushups and continue. 10-2 reps pullups

Friday 12/ day...20 minutes EZ walk...stretch and foam roll...hip strengthing exercises Saturday 12/22...2 hour run

Sunday 12/23...45 min run at Warren Park...10-2 reps of pullups, deadlifts, floorwipers, DB snatches

**Floorwipers and deadlifts use 135# but use lighter weight if needed. Snatch is 35#. Pushups and squats are performed as on form for the next couple of weeks.

**EZ is 60-90 seconds slower than race pace

**Tempo is 15-30 seconds faster than race pace

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